Marsha and Jodie (left to right) are the real faces behind their KBound miniMEs!
We’ve been working in the same school district since beginning our teaching careers 25ish years ago! It wasn’t until 1997 that we came together in the same building. At first and from afar, Marsha thought Jodie’s hair was toooo perfect. Jodie, come to find out, thought Marsha was toooo serious. Hmmmm...
Way back then, Kindergarten planning/lunch time was a whooping 60 minutes (we know, we know...) and watching taped Dr. Phil episodes while planning was ONE: a way of not having to talk because we didn’t know each other well, and TWO: another way that we were just ahead-of-our-time in seeking out meaningful choice PD!! Well, years of staff meetings and babies and evaluations and horses&dogs and curriculum passed... along with about 2,500 students who have come and gone through our classroom doors, so we figure... and today we find that we’re ONE: finishing each other’s sentences, and TWO: diving head-on into a whirlwind of KBound adventure!
The horses&dogs are Jodie’s. She’s married. He plays guitar, so they lead a crazy rock ‘n roll life. Well... sorta. Ok.... NOT. He does travel a lot, while she’s a self-professed homebody. I guess she’s a little bit country and he’s a little bit rock-and-roll!
The babies are Marsha’s and are both in high school now. She’s married, too. Theirs is a basketball family. So, it’s lots and lots of time on the court. At 6’1”, she stands the shortest in her family (her babies are 6'8 and 6’9”). Needless-to-say, there are a lot of people to look up to in that family!
Soon we’ll be headed back to school to begin another year. Our answer to the predictable “What did you do on your summer vacation?” will be SOOO different this fall! Past summers were spent totally separated, with little or NO correspondence of any kind = friendship put.on.hold. (Really! No Kidding! We believe in a true summer break!)! What did we do this summer of 2012? We were together virtually 24/7 = friendship (Really! No Kidding? and we passed the test!! :) THIS summer, after 25 years of lunch/planning times (and they aren’t 60 minutes anymore), AND the babies, horses&dogs, and husbands as well, ...we.are.KBound.
After 25 years,
Jodie’s hair is NOT quite so perfect... and Marsha is NOT quite so serious! ;) ;)