“Haters”. We’ll only use the word once in this posting. Promise.
It was only recently, when we stepped out of our classroom comfort zone, that we encountered a non-fan. A single non-fan. Not even a non-fan who was disgruntled about all that we stand for as KBound, but merely disillusioned by just one of the fifteen items that we’ve posted for sale on TpT. Actually, she allowed as how she even liked part of it ... and then disliked the other part of it. All of this still makes her a non-fan. SURE, she’s allowed her opinion. YES, she can write her comment for all to see.
Why do we bother giving this any attention at all when there are so many other instant-and-very-supportive KB fans, you ask? Because we’re human. Because we are in transition. Because we are not used to dealing with anything but sunshine, unicorns, and fairy dust? Welcome to the real world, Girls! ;) ;) In truth, it’s because we haven’t sold ourselves as anything other than “simple, meaningful, and funsical”. KBound ideas and materials are indeed original, research-based, tried and true, and are alllllll about what a young learner needs. Conversely, KBound ideas and materials are not designed to cater to adult ‘curb appeal’, to be ‘showy’, or to hide behind pretentious ‘bells and whistles’. We are proud of that! We are SOOOO proud of that! So, thank you #1 non-fan! Thank you for giving us post material today. Thank you for reminding us WHY we do what we do... and that we wouldn’t do it any differently. While our miniMEs are suited up and prepared to defend today, it’s all in fun. Protect what you believe in. Have fun along the way. That’s all there is to that!
Peace :) :)
Can't EVEN imagine this happening to you two creative teachers!! There's always one in a crowd, right? Leave it to you two to turn lemons into lemonade and rise above to another level! Keep on doing what you're doing, you're so awesome!!